Statutes – Bylaws G.C.G.P.



Statute of the Association with the name
«Greek College of General Practitioners (G.C.G.P) »

Article 1st

Name-Sign-Seat-Stamp of Association

  1. Founded in the municipality of Athens in Attica, a scientific, non-profit association named « Greek College of General Practitioners (G.C.G.P) » and in Greek « ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΚΟΛΛΕΓΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΩΝ ΙΑΤΡΩΝ (Ε.ΚΟ.ΓΕΝ.ΙΑ) ».
  2. The association as a sign will have, circled, a family of three under a roof of a house, in which, instead of one of the columns will be a physician and instead of the other column, will be a coiled snake (like the symbol of physicians). Around this icon and between two circled lines it’s written  « Greek College of General Practitioners -G.C.G.P. 2010»
  3. Headquarter of the association is defined the city of Athens, in Attica. The association may establish offices in other regions of the country as well.
  4. The Stamp of Association is shaped circular, in which is written the name of the association « Greek College of General Practitioners -G.C.G.P. » and the year of foundation «2010». In the center is depicted a family of three under a roof of a house, in which, instead of one of the columns will be a physician and instead of the other column, will be a coiled snake (like the symbol of physicians).

Article 2nd

Mission of the association

The Mission of The Organization is to improve the quality of life of the peoples of Greece through defining and promoting its values, including respect for universal human rights and including gender equity, and by fostering high standards of care in general practice/family medicine by:

The promotion and visibility of the specialty of general medicine by promoting personal, comprehensive and continuing care for the individual and the family in the context of the community and society.

Providing a forum for exchange of knowledge and information between Member Organizations and between general practitioners/family physicians through promoting, study, furtherance and strengthening of scientific research and the practical application of it, in the wider field of General Medicine and Primary Care.

Any suitable way, of support for education, whether it is university or, continuing lifelong education of General physicians, and the reinforcement of it, through the establishment of General Medicine departments in all universities of Greece and collaboration with Greek and foreign Universities, other scientific institutions of General Medicine, Scientific societies of other specialties, Associations and Unions,  especially encouraging and supporting the development of academic organizations of general practitioners/family physicians.

Organizing educational seminars, short conferences and national conference.

Representing the policies and the educational, research and service provision activities of general practitioners/family physicians to other world organizations and forums concerned with health and medical care. Cultivating cooperation and solidarity spirit (moral and material), between the members of the association on the one hand and on the other hand between them and the state Authorities.

The Association is independent and acts in the light of the Statute purpose and in any case will not act and will not be used to serve purposes unrelated to those mentioned in this article.

It is dedicated in promoting equity through the equitable treatment, inclusion and meaningful advancement of all groups of people, particularly women and girls, in the context of all health care and other societal initiatives.

Any direct or indirect  imposed motives or influence from political parties  is prohibited.

Article 3rd

Means to accomplish the purposes of the Association

To accomplish its purposes, the association uses every appropriate and legal mean competently the Board will decide and implement, in cooperation with other political institutions and organizations, with academics and scientists etc. It also uses funding possibilities for the benefit of its purposes. As appropriate means for achieving the above objectives of the Association defined indicatively the following:

I. Periodic gatherings of members for discussion and update on the General Medical issues.

II. Setting up working groups to study and evaluate specific issues.

III. The studies leading to the total concrete decisions which will be shown with speeches, lectures, announcements or press reports or proclamations or resolutions, for the purpose of declaration of positions on issues of interest or scientific and professional interests of its members.

IV. The cooperation with the competent organs of the State to promote scientific positions and proposals that promote the purposes of Article 2.

V. The publication of scientific journals, the organization of the annual conference of the Association, of postgraduate seminars, workshops, symposiums and other scientific events with pure educational goals, the general organization supporting national or international conferences, the participation of the association itself or its members individually at national or international conferences of the broader scientific area and the communication and cooperation with unions or associations with similar objectives.

VI. The institutionalization of international and domestic grants. The number of grants will be determined annually by the Board of the Association under the rules of procedure and its financial situation.

VII. Performing every year concentration of members in Athens.

VIII. Search, help and support every effort of all Association member or not able to help the interests of the club, based on the selflessness of person.

IX. Acting those imposed partnerships with other associations or wider associations and the municipal or state authorities and with representations to any competent authority (Municipal, State, etc.), for the promotion of the Association’s aims and interests of members.

X. In seeking to achieve the objectives of the association accepting donations, legacies and individuals seeking temporary and regular resources from any competent municipal or state entity.

Article 4th


I. The members of the Association are divided into:

a) Regular Members, register in the association according to the next article.
Directors shall automatically be placed on the founding members of the Association.
Regular members may be each doctor, employed, in primary health care who owns the specialty of general practice.

b) Honorable members, which are prohibited as such by the General Assembly on a proposal of the board or upon the proposal of at least 1/5 of full members regularly pay annual cash contributions.

As honorable members can be proposed served as tutor professors or associate professor of Greek Universities.
Honorable members also nominated, prominent authority figures, such as those involved research or Resident in General Medicine, with interest for regular scientific information on the progress of medical science, who contributed to the promotion of the Association’s objectives and medicine in general.
Honorable Members are not entitled to vote and be elected to elective bodies of the Association, but they are entitled to attend the general assembly without voting rights.

Honorary President of the Association, is declared by decision of the Board ratified by the first subsequent general meeting, a physician who in general recognition, contributed to the promotion of the Association’s objectives of General Medicine and Primary Health Care in general.

Honorable members are exempted from registration and annual subscription fees, and generally not subject to any charge, unless the members themselves  wish to contribute themselves to the Association.

II. Association Members must have the ability to legal transaction

III. The person who was deprived of the right to freely establish cooperative or association, and the person who with Authority decision deprived the relative ability, cannot become a member of the Association.

IV. Membership is personal and acquired from the date of registration of the Association records.
To register a regular member to the association must submit an application to the Board of the Association acting for registrations.
Not transferable not inheritable membership, but each member may represent another non – present member if there is a written authorization for this purpose, with the authenticity of the signature signed by public or municipal authority. Excluded from this possibility the event that voting takes place for the election of directors and the auditing committee.

V. Each member has the right to freely withdraw from the association provided that he has given his resignation to the Board and after having fulfilled until the submission of the resignation his cash obligations.
The withdrawal must be notified three (3) months at least before the end of the accounting year and applies to the end. A withdrawing member has no right to the property of the Association.

Article 5th

Members registration

Each doctor specialized in general practice, can be a member of the Association, after submitting a written application which has been addressed to the Board of the Association, and after its be endorsed by at least two members of the Association, he has to pay to the Association the amount of 50 euros for registration fee, an amount which represents the contribution of the year of enrollment.

The registration form is discussed in the first, after the submission, meeting from the Governing Council and approved by the statutory majority view by secret ballot. In case of approval by the decision of the Board, the applicant acquires the status of a member by paying the registration fee.

Members are recorded in a special register member in ascending number after the registration date.
In case of a negative decision of the Board, which must be sufficiently reasoned, the applicant state may appeal to the General Assembly, which decides the registration or not as a member of the Association in the first General Assembly to be convened after litigation, who finally decides for the registration with an absolute majority.

Article 6th

Membership contributions

The members are required to pay the registration’s amount to the Association’s fund and the annual subscription that is determined by the Board. Also, whenever the circumstances required, and by the Board’s decisions, the members have to pay a special contribution to the Association .
The Board may decide to impose on a member of the Association of the disciplinary recommendation, when he unnecessarily delays the subscription. Each member is entitled to leave, after he paid the subscriptions for the entire accounting year, starting from the annual general meeting until the next general meeting.

Article 7th

Disciplinary Control

I. The disciplinary control exercised by the Board being of quorum and in exceptional cases, on its own Judgement, by the General assembly of members and consists of:
a) To reproval
b) In the temporary deprivation of membership status until six (6) months
c) In denial of membership status.

II. The procedure of disciplinary inquiries initiated by the board or by order of the General Assembly.

III. Before the crisis must always be preceded by a call to the apology served on the member of the Association at least eight (8) days before the meeting of the Board (Disciplinary Board). The apology may be made in writing or orally before the Council.

IV. Disciplinary misconduct of members of the Association are:
a) Any culpable violation of the provisions of this constitution and the law of associations,
b) Attitude or action contrary to the aims of the association or which exposes the association.
c) Undignified behavior in public or private life member.

V. Member of the Board exempt if the person judged:
a) Linked affinity up to the fourth degree.
b) If there is hatred or special friendship.
c) Has requested and has agreed to the Board

VI. In case of disciplinary action of the Board, the member may appeal within two (2) months after notified in writing of the sanction imposed, before the General Assembly.

VII. Decisions relating to the exercise of disciplinary control, are taken by secret ballot.

Article 8th

Withdrawal and deletion Members

I. Any member may withdraw from the association and state this intention by writing to the Board.
Membership of the Association ceases, by accepting the resignation from the Board and in any event automatically at the end of the calendar year in which submitted the relevant resignation statement.

II. A member of the Association may be deleted when good reason than those mentioned in the constitution and relevant legislation concerning the associations, by decision of the Board or in exceptional cases at the discretion of the decision of the General Assembly after a substantiated proposal of the Board.

III. The member deletion is decided mainly:
a) If for two (2) years, the member does not fulfill its financial obligations to the Association.
b) In case of violation of the statute, violation of the decisions of the General Assembly and Board of Directors or if the member fallen into moral misconduct or take actions due or fact, which are contrary to the aims of the Association, or if he is unnecessarily and for a sufficient time, away from the work of the Association.

IV. The up deleting obligations there of to the Association is active and payable.

V. Member who is deleted, is rewritten by the Board of Directors, if the conditions for deletion no longer exist.

VI. Member of Association who is deleted from it against his will, if the deletion was contrary to the terms of the Statute or there weren’t important reasons for the deletion, has the right, during the time of two months, and after writing informed him that he was aborted, to challenge this before the General Assembly, as it is a decision of the Board and before the President of Athens First Instance Court, since it is a decision of the General Assembly.

Article 9th

Member Obligations

I. The members of the Association shall:
a) To act in accordance with the articles of Association and to contribute to the fulfillment of the Association’s goals applying the decisions of the General Meetings and Board of Directors.
b) To pay the registration cost of the Association.
Members who are deleted and rewritten before passing one (1) year after the deletion, they are not required to re pay the registration cost.
c) To fulfill regularly and timely the financial annual subscription and any extra fees to the Association.
Honorable members are not subject to any charge.
d) To attend the ordinary and extraordinary general meetings of the Association.
e) To participate in the actions of the Association.
f) To show between them dignified behavior and solidarity.
g) To comply with the law on Associations and the articles of Association, the principles of the Association and the decisions of the Board, the general Assembly and other statutory bodies thereof, and they must avoid any behavior likely to damage directly or indirectly the prestige and public image of the Association.

II. Any breach of the provisions of the law on Associations and the Association, instigate disciplinary action against those responsible.

Article 10th

Member rights

I. The members of Association have the rights:
a) To have equal rights, in line with the above obligations.
b) To participate, provided they have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Association, to the ordinary and extraordinary General Assemblies, freely expressing their views, exercising control over the management and demanding the implementation of General Assembly decisions for the realization of the Association’s objectives.
c) To express their views with vote.
d) To vote at the general meetings for the bodies of the association management and elected them.
Honorable members of the Association, when participating in meetings of the general assemblies, the have denied their voting rights, and also their right to vote.
e) To cause convening extraordinary general meetings, subject to the limitations of the rules of this statute.
f) To enjoy the benefits and any rights arising from their status as members of the Association.
g) To leave the Association free.

II. Members of the association who leave can be rewritten.

III. If any member withdraws he has no right to the property of the Association.

Article 11th

Resources of the Association

The resources of the Association are ordinary and extraordinary:

I. Ordinary resources are:
a) The subscription rights of the members, which is set at 50 euros.
b) The regular annual subscription defined in the amount of 50 euros.

II. Extraordinary resources are:
a) The extraordinary contributions of the members, which are made by the Board of Directors and assigned to the Association, unless the board of directors determines otherwise, which will be validated by the General Assembly.
b) The donations to the Association, from inheritances, legacies, donations or grants and any other payments from natural or legal people in Greece or abroad, Organizations, Ministries, Municipalities, Prefectures and other bodies, as required by applicable legislation, as well as other aid or grants subsidized by various programs.
These resources are accepted by the board of directors which also provides how to collect them and in case of disagreement, by decision of the General Assembly.
c) The all forms of income from all kinds of events, lotteries, raffle tickets, fundraisers, tours, theatrical performances, dancing parties and other events, the interest of the Association’s funds, as well as any other legitimate income that passes to the Association Fund.
d) Incomes (proceeds and interest) from any assets of the Association (movable or immovable property).

The variation of both the registration fee and annual subscription as regular and extraordinary contributions is established by the board of directors which adjusts the amount of money mentioned in the constitution to new circumstances, by a majority of five-seventh (5/7) and in the case that in two (2) consecutive meetings do not achieve the majority, the matter shall be referred to the General Assembly of members.

Article 12th

Donators and Benefactors of the Association

I. Donator of the Association is proclaimed by the General Assembly, with proposal by the board, the natural or legal person who paid to the Association lump sum corresponding to, two hundred until a thousand up the annual subscription or donates equaled price objects.

II. Patron of the Association is proclaimed by the General Assembly after proposal of the Board, the natural or legal person who donates the Association a lump sum equivalent to the, one thousand until 10 thousand up to the annual subscription or donates equaled price objects.

Article 13th

Financial management

I. The business year is annual, it begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of that year. Exceptionally the first financial year commencing on the approval date of the Court (publication of the decision), to the statute of the Association until 31 December of the same year.

II. The management of finances of the Association shall be effected based on the income and expenditure budget prepared by the Board of directors and approved by the General Assembly, it is in force since 1 January to 31 December each year.

III. Until the approve of the budget for the new year, receipts and payments can be made based on the budget of the previous year.

IV. The economic balance sheet and the review of each year and the Audit Commission report compulsorily submitted for approval to the General Assembly within two (2) months from the end of the year.

V. The resources are collected once adopted in each case the note duplicate receipt sealed with the seal of the Association which is signed by the treasurer and the president of the Board.

VI. From the resources is held in the fund of the Association three hundred euros (€ 300) and the rest is deposited into an account in the credit Institution.

VII. The withdrawal of funds from the credit Institution, where is deposited the money of the Association, is effected with a check signed by the chairman of the Board and the treasurer and when the treasurer is gone or impeded, is signed by the chairman and the Secretary General.

VIII. The payments of the Association are made with payment orders and checks signed by the President and Treasurer and when the treasurer is gone or impeded, are signed by the chairman and the Secretary General.

IX. An expense is considered valid, if the Board has decided for it and if it is for an amount less than five thousand euros (€ 5.000), in any other case, there has to be a resolution of general meeting.

X. In extremely exceptional cases, the chairman of the Board with the approval of the treasurer and the secretary general, can spend up to a thousand euros (€ 1.000) and ask for ex post approval.

Article 14th

Parts of the Association

Parts of the Association are:
A. The general meeting
B. The board of Directors.
C. The Auditing Commission.

Article 15th

General Assembly – Responsibilities

The General Assembly is the supreme and sovereign body of the Association and decides on any matter referred to it by the Statute and the Law, it is composed of the members of the association who are updated for the finances and they only have the right to vote.
At General Meetings each present member can represent other non-current present member, if there is a written authorization for this purpose, with the authenticity of the signature signed by a public or municipal authority.
The accreditation of members present at each General Meeting and voting is done by signing them in a special in which they sign during their attendance at the General Meeting. The General Assembly is responsible for all matters not within the competence of another body of the Association.

In particular, the powers of the General Meeting are summarized as follows:

I. The General Assembly has overall responsibility.

II. When the General Assembly meets, discusses issues brought before it to discuss and decide all matters indicated on the agenda or put up for discussion before the start of proceedings after the proposal of any member and with decision of 1/5 plus one of the members present or any other issue off the agenda submitted to and approved by the General Assembly by a majority.

III. Issues rejected by the General Assembly may be discussed again.

IV. Topics discussed exclusively by the General Assembly are:
a) The approval of the financial budget, balance sheet and the inventory.
b) The amount authorization for expenditure exceeding five thousand euros (€ 5.000).
c) The outcome of the work of the Board after the end of the year.
d) In General Meetings where will be elections, the election by show of hands among its members, the President, who directs the work of the General Assembly, and the Secretary. Until the election of the President of the general Assembly, directs the Chairman of the Board or his legal deputy.
e) The Election of Board members every four (4) years.
f) The election of the Auditing Committee every four (4) years.
g) The election of the Election Committee members when elections are held.
h) The supervision and control of the Association Administration.
i) The cessation of the Board of Directors and the Auditing Committee for a good reason, and particularly for heavy duty violation or inability to perform regular management.
j) Appeals against the Board’s decisions.
k) The exercise disciplinary control over members of the Association in exceptional cases at the discretion of the Board shall be exercised by the General Assembly.
l) Change in the purpose of the Association.
m) The decision to join the Society in domestic or foreign associations, wider scope.
n) The amendment of the Articles of Association.
o) The adoption of internal regulations.
p) The suspension of the Association’s work.
q) The dissolution of the Association and the disposal of its assets.
r) Validates or modifies the agenda proposed by the Board.
s) Authorizes the Board on any matter regarding the Association.
t) It decides whether to approve the Directors’ accountability.

V. The right to vote and be voted in general meetings and elections, have only the members who have accomplished any financial issue, those members who have paid for the subscription of last year’s general Assembly, two months before the date of note of elections. Is Prohibited that on the day of conducting elections the subscription’s payment, will be paid by the members who had not paid the last year’s subscription, unless the General meeting determines otherwise, after a relative majority of 3/4 plus one of the members present.

VI. The General Meetings are divided into ordinary and extraordinary.

Article 16th

Convening of General Meeting

I. The General Meetings are convened regularly one time (1) every year, in the first quarter of the year and extraordinarily when the directors consider it is necessary upon written invitation of the Board.

II. The convening of the general meeting may request and the members of the Association upon written request, of 1/5 of regular members who have paid their financial obligations, as well as the Audit Committee if there is a management fault by the written request.
The request to convene the general Assembly is addressed to the Board and must indicate the issues to be discussed. The General Assembly discusses matters that are referred exclusively to the invitation.
In both of the above cases, the Board of directors must convene the General Assembly within twenty (20) days. In case of inaction or refusal of the board, to convene the General Assembly, the first Instance president may authorize the applicants to convene the General Assembly and to regulate the chairmanship.
The written invitation of the Board is sent to the members fifteen days (15) before the date set by the General Assembly, and shall be posted in the offices of the Association.
The invitation shall indicate the agenda items, which are defined by the Board of Directors, either with own initiative, or if they are proposed signature by at least 1/5 of the regular members who have paid their financial obligations and even ten (10) days before the hearing as well as the place, date and time of the meeting.
The extraordinary General Assembly puts forward and discusses the issues on which it was convened. The extraordinary general meetings follow a regular quorum issues and process.

Due to scheduled meetings the agenda includes topics such as:
a) Report the stocktaking and the board’s annual sheet.
b) Financial Report and overall financial situation of the Association for the previous year and the current budget.
c) Auditing Committee Report on the audit of the annual nature of financial management of the Association.
d) Election of the new Board of Directors and Auditing Committee every four (4) years.
e) Discuss any issues placed on the agenda by the Board with legal process, as any request proposed documents, five (5) days before each meeting of the General Assembly the 1/10 of financial obligations States (signature).
f) Every other issue off the agenda submitted and approved by the General Assembly by a majority.

III. According to the minutes of establishment of this Association, signed by the founding members of the Association which they share and this Statute, the first board of the first auditing committee will be elected by the General Assembly, which is convened by the five-member Temporary Steering Committee will be elected by the founding members within two (2) months from the approval of the Statute and the register of the Association to the associations kept at the Court of Athens.

Article 17th

General Meeting Quorum

I. The quorum of the General Assembly is established and checked before the election of this President and valid for the entire duration.

II. The General Assembly is in quorum when attending this at least 1/3 of full members who have paid their financial obligations. The quorum is established by the chairman of the board of the Association

III. If quorum is not found on the first day, without any other procedure, the General Assembly meets seven (7) days after the original date of convocation at the same place, at the same time with the same topics, so it’s a quorum, whatever the number of attendees of full members who have paid their financial obligations.

IV. In case of a decision to make amendments to the Statute, to dissolve the Association, for approval of Internal regulations and for the suspension of the Association’s work, is required the participation in voting, at least of the 4/5 of registered members and a majority of at least 3/4 of them.

Article 18th

Start General Assembly

I. Upon seeing quorum, the chairman of the board shall open the General Assembly.

II. In general meetings, ordinary or extraordinary, except those in which elections would be held, is presented by the Chairman of the Board of the Association, drafted practical the responsibility for compliance of which carries the Secretary General. The minutes of the General Meetings shall be signed by the President and the Secretary.

III. During General Meetings where it will have conducted elections, the president is elected by the General Assembly and the Secretary, the vote is done by show hand. The President and the Secretary immediately take the direction of the General Assembly.
The members of the Board cannot be elected to the positions of President and Secretary of the General Assembly to conduct elections.

IV. On the topics of the agenda prior is the recommendation by the Board and then the reason is given (By order of priority and predetermined airtime with Board responsibility), to the members of the General Assembly entered in the list of speakers and for up to the maximum number, within the available time for speeches, compared with all-time duration of the General Assembly.

Article 19th

General Assembly decisions

The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by the absolute majority of the members’ present (who have paid their financial obligations) that is ½ plus one, except where otherwise is provided in this Constitution and the Law. If all the members agree in writing to a given proposal may be decided without the members meeting.
In case of equality in the face of choice, the choice is made by the President’s decision.
For the modification of the statute, the Association Dissolution, suspension of the Association’s work and the adoption of internal regulations, is required the participation in voting the 4/5 of registered members and the majority of three fourths of these ¾ (who have paid their financial obligations).
For a change of the purpose of the Association is required the consent of all members. The absent consent in writing.
The General Assembly decisions are taken by vote.
The decisions of the General Assembly concerning elections, a vote of confidence in the management, approval or disapproval of accountability, personal issues, disciplinary matters, delete members and election of the Election Committee shall be taken by secret ballot.
For any other matter the votes are by show of hands, unless a quarter of these members (who have paid their financial obligations), can request a secret ballot.
In a secret ballot attend only the members who have voting rights.
The Legal Advisor of the Association may attend the meetings of the General Assembly.
The decisions of the General Meetings are recorded in the Book of Minutes of Meetings of the General Assembly and signed by the President and Secretary of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly decisions may be appealed to the Court if are taken in violation of the Law or the provisions hereof.

Article 20th


I. The elections for the election of the Association’s bodies are proclaimed by the General Assembly within the time limits set by the Constitution.
Every four (4) years and in the Annual General Meeting there is elections for the Board of Directors and Audit Committee.
The Right to vote and stand have only the members who have paid their financial obligations. The costs of the election shall be borne by Association.
The responsibility has the Election Committee of three (3), which is elected every four years prior to the elections by the General Assembly and is chaired by the elected president. The Election Commission takes care of all issues related to the elections, to finally record performs the sorting of votes and declares with the successful candidates and the number of their success. For all the above draw relevant Minutes signed by all three (3) members of the Commission.

II. The regular members and the members who have paid their financial obligations of the Association have the right to vote and stand for election, participate and vote at General Meetings and choose the Association Management during the respective General Assemblies. They can thus be present and honorary members without voting rights.

III. In order to conduct elections, for the election of members are invited all regular members (who have paid their financial obligations) with invitation before 10 days, which will set the place and time of holding of the elections.

IV. When conducting the elections, for the election of the Directors and the Auditing Commission may, upon decision of the General Assembly, to witness a representative of the Judiciary.

V. The Board members cannot be elected to the positions of President and Secretary of the General Assembly to conduct elections.

VI. By the end of the elections is the vote count and the proclamation of the elected by an act of the Election Committee.

Article 21st

Election of Elected Members of the Association

I. The nominations in a single ballot for all organs of the Association regardless of the number, will be accepted within the first fortnight in January and until 18:00 on 15 January. However, if not covered by the candidates, the number seven (7) members and three (3) alternate, i.e. wholly ten (10) candidates, then they will be declared up to 2 days before the date of the elections. Similarly, for the same period will be submitted nominations for the Audit Committee.

II. Those who willing to be elected members of the Board and of the Audit Committee must have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Association.

III. The application form, which is submitted only by members, must be accompanied by a declaration by the person concerned stating that he has Greek citizenship, he is not subject to deprivation of civil rights, that has not been irrevocably convicted of a felony or serious misdemeanor, related to the activities referred to in this Statute and that he has not obstacle or incompatibility for elected Board member.

IV. The names of candidates in alphabetical order, separately for the Board or the Audit Committee are timely reported to the members, are posted in the same or different ballot at the discretion of the Board.

V. By secret ballot members of the Association elect by the elected members noting at the left of the names-with-cross the faces of their preference up to seven (7) for the Board of Directors and up to three (3) for the Audit Committee a maximum number.

VI. Successful proclaimed who have gotten more votes. The seven (7) of these are the Board and the next three (3) are alternates, also the three (3) first by the Auditing Committee panel are the ordinary members and the next two (2) alternates.

VII. In case where votes are tied he who has achieved emerge with draw made among those who have tied.

VIII. Those elected to the Board of Directors establish a body and share out the functions mentioned in this Constitution to take over the administration of the Association, in case of disagreement, the division of those duties is made up by secret ballot among the Board members. In case of a tie the procedure is repeated and in case of a new tie, the election is made by drawing lots.

IX. President for three (3) consecutive terms of Board It cannot be appointed again President for a fourth (4th) consecutive term, at least without interruption of service.

Article 22nd

Board of directors

I. The Association is governed by a seven person (7) Board.]
The Board is composed of seven (7) members and three (3) alternate, who have paid their financial obligations, elected by secret ballot by the General Assembly, and by an absolute majority of the members present.
II. The directors shall consist of one (1) President, one (1) Vice-President, one (1) Secretary-General, one (1) Treasurer and three (3) Directors who are all unpaid.
Board members are not allowed to provide services to the Association of an employment relationship or contract work or conclude contracts with the Association that involve taking consideration.

Article 23rd

Responsibilities of the Board

The Board:
a) Manages the Association.
b) Exercise disciplinary control of members of the Association and if that fails, the control is exercised by the General Assembly.
c) Decides members and deleting them.
d) By the President and the Secretary General shall convene the meetings of the General Assembly.
e) Performs the General Assembly decisions.
f) Has the custody of compliance with the Articles of Association.
g) Informs the State Authorities on matters that the Law requires.

h) Appoints members of the Association Committees to address issues of the Association.
i) Manages the Association property.
j) Decide to allocate the costs of the realization of the Association’s objectives.
k) Determines the issues that implements the Association.
l) Specifies the height and subscription rights of members to the Association and the annual contribution thereof and the special contributions and generally adjust the amounts of money mentioned in the Constitution to new circumstances by a majority of (5/7) and in case of two (2) consecutive meetings do not achieve this majority, the matter referred to the General Assembly of members.
m) Decides to represent the Association before third parties and government authorities.
n) Appoint Counsel Association or other scientific or technical advisers

o) Appoint employees to the offices of the association and enter into contracts with people who provide services to the Association.
p) Organizes seminars and educational lectures
q) Establishes offices also outside the Association headquarters.
r) Keep up to version brochure magazine and leaflets.
s) Organizes recreational events.
t) Decides and approves the budget in accordance with those governing these bylaws and submit at the end of the mandate to the General Assembly, by the Auditing Committee, the balance and report of the one-year stewardship of approval by it.
u) Manages, coordinates and manages interests, affairs and property of the Association and considers with codecision, taking all appropriate and lawful measures, for all issues that concern the Association in accordance with the Constitution and applicable laws.
v) It is responsible for the implementation of General Assembly’s decisions and acts under common line in accordance with the guidelines and decisions of it.
w) Propose honorary members of the Association in the General Assembly.
x) Deal with all matters related to the Association.

Article 24th

Election and Composition of the Board

I. The term of the Board members elected by the General Meeting lasts four (4) years commencing from the day of the election, while elections for his appointment, held every four (4) years in the second half of January month.

II. The Board members who come or are resigned during the term replenished by alternates in the order of their choice. The Alternates always follow the appointments of the members. The status of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer may not coincide in the same person.

III. The seven (7) first in votes candidates nominated with the relevant minutes of the Election Committee members of the Board, the next three (3) shall be designated as alternates.

IV. The elected members of the Board of Directors establish in a body not later than ten (10) days from the day of holding the elections at the invitation of the state who gathered the most crosses.
The first Board shall be convened by the first elected consultant, who presides until the election of the President. If the Council within 15 days or less, are not formed, then it is automatically resigned, so new General Assembly is convened by the old Administration to elect a new Board.

V. The Board, composed as a body, shall, within eight (8) days to receive from the old administration all administrative documents, folders, books, stamps, assets etc. of the Association, drafting relevant Protocol in duplicate.

VI. Votes relating to personal issues are necessarily secret. On other issues are obvious, unless one of the members request a secret ballot.

VII. During July and August are not held regular meetings.

Article 25th

Operation of Board

I. The Board meets:
a) Regularly, one (1) time per month with invitation and even dial by the President, giving three (3) days to its members, at a place and time designated by him, stating the items on the agenda.
b) Extraordinary when the necessity arises and is requested in writing by a member of the Association, so is invited, one (1) day before. Otherwise, members sign the petition send it to all members of the Council, setting the day and time of the Board to convene, so meet legally if there is a quorum. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the meeting is chaired by a member elected by the other members.
In completely exceptional cases members are invited on the same day of the meeting by any means.

II. The Board has a quorum if at the hearing there is at least 5/7 of its members.

III. The decisions of the Board are taken by absolute majority of the members present, provided there is a quorum as defined in the preceding paragraph. In case of a tie the casting vote is the President’s.

IV. Member who does not appear for three (3) consecutive regular or special meetings, deemed to have withdrawn and is replaced with decision of Board of Directors, unless there are serious reasons and the impediment shall be given to the President.

V. In case of resignation of six (6) members of the Board together with their alternates shall be deemed to have waived the entire Board, so the General Assembly of members is convened, to elect council, which is likely the General Assembly to elect the same people.

VI. Legal transactions attempted within the limits of authority by the Board, oblige the Association.

VII. Current-emergency matters of the Association, conferred on the President of the Board, the power of which extends to any relevant act. For the rest, the provisions of the Civil Code are accordingly implemented, for the representation and command.

VIII. Board member is not entitled to vote on a decision relating to the business transaction between the Association of that same consultant or his wife, or blood relatives up to the third degree.

IX. Excluded from the Association administration is each State who lacks automatically or by court decision of his political rights for the duration of this deprivation.

X. The Board members are jointly responsible for the state of the Association’s work, unless they have attended by obtaining specific decision and disagreed, and the dispute has them recorded in the minutes.

XI. In case an issue is discussed, concerning a Board member, he is called hand normally but does not participate in the meeting.

XII. Board members who bear public office are considered resigned. Membership of the Board of the Association is incompatible with that of Member, Mayor or City Council.

XIII. The members of the Board should not be employees of the Association or to contract in exchange for a fee or profit generally.

XIV. Members must have collegial mutual respect in the Assemblies and they are withdrawn in order by the President but when they misbehave is removed from them their opinion.

Article 26th

President’s responsibilities

I. The president:
a) Declares the beginning and end of the work when there is a quorum, where it’s read the minutes of the previous General Assembly, and which are ratified by the General Assembly by a show of hands duly signed by the President, the Secretary General, as and ten members of the General Assembly defined. Then the Assembly enters the agenda of the issues to which the President gave the floor in order to rapporteurs, as in anyone who wants to take it, after having said this, registering to this Meetings Book. Proposal submitted to the Assembly for debate or vote is not accepted despite the President’s if not done writing by hand.
b) Convene together with the Secretary General the Board of Directors and the General Meetings of members in regular or special meetings and direct their work.
c) Ensures the implementation of Board decisions and General Assembly members and ensures the promotion of the Association’s objectives.
d) Represents together with the Secretary of the Association before third parties, state authorities and Courts in each grade and jurisdiction, unless a particular case decides otherwise, the Board of Directors or the General Assembly.
e) Concludes and signs contracts, executing decisions of the Board.
f) Conducts with the Secretary and signed correspondence.
g) Monitors and controls the finances of the Association.
h) Signs with the Treasurer payment orders, checks, etc. And if the treasurer is absent or prevented he is signing with the Secretary General.
i) Signs with the Treasurer recovery orders and if the treasurer is absent or prevented he is signing with the Secretary General.
j) Moves by subscribing with the Treasurer the account of the Association in a credit institution and if the treasurer is absent or prevented he is doing that with the Secretary General.
k) Checks the books of funds.
l) Calls on the Auditing Committee for auditing the financial Association.
m) Decides to entrust responsibilities to the Vice-President.
n) Poses problems to the vote.
o) Signs every outgoing document or announcement.
p) Establishes the agenda with the Secretary.
q) He checks and signs the minutes first.
r) In The Board meetings, if the President is absent or indisposed, the deputizing shall be consecutive by the Vice President or the eldest of these Directors.

Article 27th

Vice President’s Responsibilities

I. The Vice President cooperates with the President on the implementation of Board decisions.

II. Replaces the president in case of absence or impediment. In such a case it has all the rights and obligations of the President.

III. The Vice President can be replaced by any member of the Board defined by the Board except the Treasurer and the Secretary General.

Article 28th

General Secretary’s Responsibilities

I. The General Secretary:
a) Manages the Secretariat of the Association.
b) Ensures the correspondence of the Association by signing with the President.
c) Keeps the minutes of Governing Council meetings and is responsible for the proper completion and signing of all members.
d) Keeps such records and books of the Association, is responsible for the safekeeping of the Association seal and stamp documents.
e) Cooperates with the institutions of the Association and provide them each required element.
f) Keeps the minutes of the General Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as the reports of the Auditing Committee.
g) Subscribes together with the President, the outgoing documents, arrange for typing text and issue payment orders.
h) He is jointly responsible with the President for the correct implementation of the Books and Records Association and is responsible for updating the following books:
• The Register of Members
• The Book of Minutes of the Board
• The Book of the Proceedings of the General Assembly.
• The Book of Protocol

II. If the Secretary General is absent or prevented is replaced by one of the Directors appointed by the Board of Directors, except the President, Vice President and Treasurer.

Article 29th

Treasurer’s Responsibilities

I. The Treasurer:
a) He manages the finances of the Association and he is responsible for the financial assets of the Association and the rest of his movable property.
b) Acts and collects payments directly what is owed to the Association or available to the Association from any source on the basis of payment and recovery orders Bills sealed and signed by him and the President. If the Treasurer is absent or indisposed the payments and receipts acting President and the Secretary General.
c) Manages with the President the account that the Association keeps in financial institution by check or receipt of Withdrawal signed by the President or his lawful deputy. If the Treasurer is absent or indisposed the movement of the account acting President and the Secretary General.
d) Makes available to the Board, the Auditing Committee, the General Assembly and the President, when requested, each item on the financial situation of the Association.
e) Keeps records as prescribed by law and the Articles of Association and is jointly responsible with the President for the financial situation of the Association.
f) Submits each quarter (3 months) a brief description of the state of finances of the Association to the Board.
g) Deposits in credit institutions all receipts of the Association, he can keep on his hands up to 300€ Euro for the running costs of the Association.
h) Makes cash withdrawals from a credit institution by checking or receipting Withdrawal signed by the President or his lawful deputy.
i) Draws up the balance sheet of management which passed the general budget of the next year and submits them for approval to the Board and then for approval to the General Assembly which finally decides.
j) He is responsible for the proper maintenance and updating of Paper Receipts and Payments and he is controlled by the Board for the proper management of the Association property.
k) He is accountable and has criminal and civil liability for any loss of money or payment without warrant or legal documents.
l) In case of absence or impediment, he is replaced by one of the Directors appointed by the Board. Never can coexist in the same person as the Treasurer and the President.

Article 30th


The Advisors attend Board meetings and perform the specific tasks assigned to them.

Article 31st

Auditing Commission

I. The Audit Committee is elected by the Annual General Meeting of members of the Association together with the Board and consists of three full (3) members and two (2) alternates, elected at the same time and for the same time as other Board members every four years.
Members of the Audit Committee is not allowed to provide services to the Association by virtue of employment or contract work or conclude contracts with the Association that involve taking consideration.

II. The Audit Committee monitors the financial situation of the Association and shall report on this to the attention of the General Assembly no later than two (2) months after the end of the year.

III. During the first post-election meeting, to convene the State who won a majority within ten (10) days of inaction or refusal of any member, elects the head and that the Secretary and is obliged to check the Cash Management Board regularly every year, extraordinary when it deems necessary, registers in the reporting findings book the results of this examination and submits to the Annual General Meeting a report on the management of the balance.
The members of the Auditing Committee shall be entitled at any time to inspect the books, documents, passbooks and cash of the Fund Board.

IV. This control is effected after demand or automatically at any time.
Mandatory checked once a year, always at the end of the financial year in order with report communicated to the members of the Association of five (5) days prior to the convening of the General Assembly to the attention of the Association of the findings, extraordinary, whenever the commission considers that there is a need to control.

V. During the review meeting is required to display a summary test report of the Association of Management, constitutes in a quorum when all the three (3) members are present, may in case of abnormality in the Board’s management, to cause in writing by the Chairman the convening of the General Assembly to bring to the attention of the findings and if he refuses (the Chairman of the Board) may convene the General Assembly itself. In this case, the Board must call a General Meeting within twenty (20) days.

VI. The Audit Committee within the first 10 days of the month of the Annual General Meeting is required to collect the books of the Board Management and shall deliver them to the head thereof for inspection and training of this Audit Report.

VII. The Audit Committee has the right to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within the time of the Board’s mandate and raises issue of confidence to the Board if it is found that undoubtedly diversion from the basic provisions of the Statute.

VIII. Proceedings of the Committee presides over the member who received the most votes and tie on who will emerge by lot.

IX. The Audit Committee shall keep records and reports book, record the minutes of the checks carried out.

Article 32nd

Statute’s modification

I. The Association has the power to amend the Constitution.

II. Any amendments and supplements to the Articles of Association shall be by decision of the General Assembly

III. The decision to amend the Statute is taken by the General Assembly, governing quorums of which requires the presence of at least 4/5 of members who have paid their financial obligations.

IV. To take a decision it’s necessary a majority of 3/4 of those members present who have paid their financial obligations.

V. Any amendment applies from the day after the registration in the relevant books of the Court.

Article 33rd

Internal Regulations

I. Issues relating to the internal operation of the Association may be regulated with bylaws.

II. These regulations with decision of the Board are introduced in the General Assembly for approval and shall apply from the day following their publication in the Court.

VI. The decision on the approval of the Internal Regulations shall be taken by the General Assembly, with the quorum which requires the presence of at least 4/5 of members present who have paid their financial obligations.

VII. To take a decision needs a majority of three quarters of members present who have paid their financial obligations.

Article 34th

Duration – Dissolution – Luck of Association’s property

I. The duration of the Association is indefinite.

II. The Association is dissolved by decision of the General Assembly, on receipt of which requires participation in the vote of at least 4/5 of the members who have paid their financial obligations and majority of at least 3/4 of them.

III. The dissolution of the Association proposed by the Board with at least 1/5 of the number of regular members who have paid their financial obligations or the Audit Committee in cases of serious administrative abnormality.

IV. The Association may be dissolved by decision of the Court for violation of the law governing the Unions or for violation of the Statute as required by the administration or the 1/5 of the members who have paid their financial obligations.

V. The property of the Association in case of dissolution is not distributed among its members. For it’s fate decides the General Assembly of members by an absolute majority.

Article 35th

Books of the Association

The books that the Association maintains are:
I. Obligingly
a) Register of Association’s members. In this record are all the details of the members on the Association.
b) Book of Minutes of Board.
c) Book of Minutes of General Meeting of Members.
d) Receipts-Payments Book.
e) History Book of the Association.
II. Optionally:
a) Protocol of incoming and outgoing documents.
b) Paper (file) of incoming and outgoing documents.
c) Book of member’s presence at the General Meeting.
d) Book of consumables.

Article 36th

General provision

For each question about administration and management of the Association which is not provided by this Statute, the Bylaws or the Law, the Board decides with a majority of 3/5.

Article 37th

Approval of the Statute

The Statute is composed of thirty-seven (37) articles, read, approved and voted unanimously, in whole and in part, today on April 27, 2010  by the following founding members who met today in Athens at Akadimias 15 to sign it. The Statute will be the case from it’s registration to the Association’s Book of the Court of Athens according to the relevant definitions of the Law.

This Statute of the Association with the name «Greek College of General Practitioners (G.C.G.P.) » and in Greek «ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΚΟΛΛΕΓΙΟ ΓΕΝΙΚΩΝ ΙΑΤΡΩΝ (Ε.ΚΟ.ΓΕΝ.ΙΑ.) » is signed by all Founding Members as follows: